Scholarly ArticleTypographic In Place Branding

Typographic In Place Branding

Typographic Applications In Place Branding

Examining Typographic In Place Branding, Typography stands out in place branding as a trigger factor for the target audience. Combined with designs with the right form and function relationship allow place brands to be noticed in national and international areas and stand out from other brands.


After brief research, we were able to establish the relationship between “place” brands and typography and its effect in all residential areas, especially countries, and cities’ tourism.


With 9 city brands and 2 nation brands that were analyzed in view of place branding and graphic design principles, the importance and benefit of typography within place brands were seen to be extensive and a phenomenon.


Place brands showing similar features were characterized into 5 different categories according to typographic analysis styles. These were specified as:


  • Initials / Abstracted Letters of the City
  • Multilingual Typography
  • Static Typography, Fluid Image
  • Dynamic Typography
  • Typographic Slogans

Based on the brief research and a comprehensive literature review of selected typographic applications that was carried out and a more comprehensive evaluation that was made by examining, sample comparison, and expert opinion methodology in accordance with design principles.


As a result of the assessments; agencies, graphic designers, and typographers have great duties in the structuring of typographic applications belonging to place brands in order to accurately identify and evaluate the design needs.


Along with the graphic design, it is considered that the application of typographic In Place Branding contributes enormously to place branding and world tourism at large.

It connects people to places easily especially if it comes as easy to remember-easy to pronounce. It also creates the simplicity that is needed in place branding to avoid design overshadowing the main identity of the place itself.


With more elaborate research from researchers in fields such as place branding, city branding, nation branding, brand communication, tourism, and marketing we can get to see more connection and promotional effects of typography In Place Branding.


Co-Author:  Doç. Dr. DOĞAN ARSLAN (İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi)


Serra Kiziltas is an Istanbul-born Academician, Professional Graphic Artist, and World Arts Explorer. B.A. and M.A. in Graphic Design at Yeditepe University. Ph.D. candidate in Art and Design at Yıldız Teknik University. A multilingual academician who has a cut-through working experience in public and private universities as a lecturer in the Faculty of Art and Design. Also an experienced In-House graphic designer in print, interactive, and digital design projects. As an entrepreneur, she owns and manages a few establishments like her design studio where all the magic is being performed, and a consultancy company that provides general services in information technology. She’s also an adventurer and through these many world travel experiences, she gained a direction in her work and research as an Experiential designer.
